
The developer
With greatest passion, the systems inventor evolves continuously new bricks for various fields of application, with the positive benefit of an increasing range of products in our portfolio. Each single circuit was developed, inspected and approved by RDK himself. Whenever a question arises, Rolf-Dieter is your reference person to answer your request.
The forward-looking guy
As CEO of ALLNET GmbH Wolfgang has over 20 years experience in the distribution business, as well as technical comprehension and fine sense for trends in the IT sector. He is responsible for especially those bricks, which are compatible to other systems. That helps us to create as much interfaces as possible and exploit the market potential.
The director
As the Brick ’R’ knowledge director, Michael sets the course and schedules the systems strategies and development. His technical knowledge as well as his long-lasting relations to public institutions and contacts from the business community are good conditions to transport the educational system with its unique advantages to important intersections. Michael’s experience in the business supports the best possible market launch of Brick ’R’ knowledge.
The brickman
Bernd, as a classic engineer, scores maximum points with theoretical and practical knowledge, which makes him an established part of prototype development. Together with RDK he’s relevant for evolving the bricks and testing the prototypes in their functionality and interoperability.
The componentor
Our man in China, who has well maintained relations to vendors, ensures constant supply of the brick components. Furthermore, Norbert has long-lasting experience in the technology and IT sector, what makes him perfectly suitable for organizing all components in superior quality.
The marketing specialist
If you´ve ever been to our brick shop in Berlin, you surely know Lena.
In addition to direct customer service, Lena is also responsible for the Brick´R´knowledge marketing and always looks for new innovative trade fairs to bring our bricks forward.
And now… let´s go to Berlin, Danziger Straße 22!
The texter
Sebastian carries out administrative tasks and is responsible for the manual and the brick short descriptions. He surely is one of the people who has read the manuals the most…
The social media voice
Whenever you see a post on twitter, facebook, pinterest, tumblr or any other social network you can be sure that it was probably written by her. Additionally, she´s giving her voice to all of the youtube videos and supervices not only the website but also the onlineshop. She can explain the bricks to you in German, English, Italian and French – hopefully also in Chinese in 5 years or so..